Острый период ишемического инсульта: диагностика и лечение
Updates of the diagnosis and treatment of ischemic stroke are given. The diagnosis of ischemic stroke is stated to be based on the risk factors of its development, the rapid progression of focal neurological deficits (neurovascular syndrome) and brain computed or magnetic resonance imaging. Arterial studies of the brain (ultrasound studies, angiography) and heart (EchoCG, and others), and blood analyses are performed to establish the causes of stroke. Treatment for ischemic stroke is noted to be most effective in a specialized unit, which substantially reduces
mortality and disability. The intravenous injection of tissue plasminogen activator is stated to be the method of choice in treating ischemic
stroke in the first 3-4,5 hours after its development. The value of anticoagulants, antithrombocytic, neuroprotective, and other drugs and the
monitoring of blood glucose, blood pressure, and other vital functions are also of importance. The important role of early activation of a
patient and his/her rehabilitation is noted.